Thursday, August 31, 2006


I've handed in my thesis!! It has the very catchy title of 'An Evaluative Study of Elastin Stains in Ancient Tissue'.

My word count was fine and altogether it came to a whopping 163 pages including all my references and the bumph at the front about promising I have not submitted it to any other universities in the hope of getting another degree. As if I could be arsed doing that!!

The only problem is my deadline isn't until next week, and no one else has finished. So I am now shitting it that mine is utter tripe because everyone else is still running around trying to finish. Am I efficient or just a rubbish student?

I guess I'll find out in a month or so, I expect some minor corrections as I am not good when it comes to proofing my own work. And despite my Dad checking it, some things are bound to have slipped through.

But I'll start worrying about my grade tomorrow, tonight I am going to Buffet City!

Wednesday, August 23, 2006

The Consequences of Brain Cramp

Lack of posts due to the fact that all I do at the moment is either work at ASDA or sit in front of my computer typing like there is no tomorrow!

Unfortunately I reached that point on Monday where all I could do was say 'Fuck it, I'm having a day off tomorrow!' So I went out last night to watch D's band play. They were great as were the others playing (Prgenant Ladies Club & Vietnam Disco - who are somewhere on MySpace but I can't find them at the mo!!) although it would have been nice to have a larger audience in attendence.

I also discovered a new drink, Fosters with huge amounts of lime which is then drunk through a straw. I are a classy bird.

We ended up sitting outside a pub eating Chinese before I got home to my brand new bed which arrived that day. I am knackered today but I am so glad I had a break!!!!!

Friday, August 11, 2006


I have just been reading that Posh's new short haircut is called the Pob, as in Posh Bob.

Personally I think this name has probably chosen due to her uncanny resemblence to the children's TV character of the same name. You decide....

(Just look at that pout, they could've been separated at birth!)

Wednesday, August 09, 2006

Some days you are the pigeon....

...and then there are days like today. When I feel distinctly like the statue.

Decided to go into uni to discuss my write up with my supervisor. Except that it turns out he is in Sheffield. Great.

So I decide to pop into town for a couple of hours as I need shoes for a wedding I'm going to in a few weeks time. Hours of tramping round later and all I've got to shoe for it is a bad headache and a bad mood.

My cold is getting worse not better and I've forgotten to tape the film I really wanted to watch. I'm now too tired to do any work and my V for Vendetta DVD has yet to arrive.

Fuck this. I'm going to bed....

Oh yeah. It broke again. And had to be thrown away and the furniture shop isn't bringing my new one for a fortnight, so I am sleeping on a mattress on the floor.

Life is beautiful. Apparently.

Monday, August 07, 2006


Yes, dread plague monkeys have once again infested the house and infected me, L and L's boyf, D.

L is by far the worse off, having lost her voice. This was not helped by the fact that a manager from work guilt tripped her into going in on Saturday. Something along the lines of 'So you all get paid and then no one turns up' was mentioned. I am most unhappy and will be having words with this dickhead when I return to work tomorrow.

I got all of 2 hours sleep on Saturday night and so last night I was in bed by 10pm and didn't get up properly until dinnertime. But the fact that I had a temperature so high in the night that even the soles of my feet were burning gives me leave for a grossly overlong lie-in.

However I have got no work done this weekend and am going to have to do a lot of catch up. Damn your eyes, plague monkeys. I will have my revenge!!

Saturday, August 05, 2006



Favorite Colour: Purple, or green, or black.

Favorite Food: The edible kind. Am not particularly fussy. Though I do love chocolate and pasta. But not together.

Favorite Movie: I couldn't even narrow it down to a genre! Let alone one film.

Favorite Sport: Crickey

Favorite Day of the Week: Saturday

Favorite Season: Autumn

Favorite Ice Cream: Neopolitan! It is great if you are feeling indecisive. Phish Food is also heavenly


Current Mood: Tired.

Current Clothes: Jeans, white t-shirt, silver racer back vest over the top

Current Desktop: I have wallpaper featuring V of V for Vendetta. Which I love!

Current Time:15:45pm

Current Surroundings: Bedroom

Current Annoyances: Lack of inspiration regarding my Discussion

Current Thoughts: Aaargh. I have lack of inspiration regarding my Discussion


First Best Friend: Rebecca. I saw her on the bus the other week.


Last Drink: Water

Last Car Ride: Today, home from Chester

Last Crush: TBIOLAAF, crush now over.

Last Phone Call: The other day, my Dad calling to speak to the electrician!

Last CD played: The No.1 Ska Album. Lip Up Fatty!

Have you ever:

Have you ever dated one of your best friends: Nope

Have you ever broken the law: Yes.

Have you ever been arrested: I have so far evaded capture.

Have you ever been on TV: A lecture I attended was filmed for German TV. Not sure if that counts.

Have you ever kissed someone you didn’t know: Yes


5 things you are good at: Maths, Science, Sarcasm, Swearing, General Knowledge

4 things you have done today: Bought new shoes (mmm Babychams!), eaten a pasty, ordered a new bed (the old one broke again) and started my Discussion

3 things you can hear right now: Out of Control by the Chemical Brothers, Dad sweeping up outside, my PC fan.

Tag You're it: Off you go then!

Thursday, August 03, 2006

I Broke 10,000!

Words on my MSc thesis that is. 10,324 at the mo. And a whopping 87 pages! This is all down to the number of pictures I have and the captions underneath them. I have about 107 in so far and another 30 to insert this evening after I finish work.

Then I can start on the hard bit. The Discussion. Dun, Dun, DUH!!!

I want a draft to hand into my supervisor by next Wednesday. So I can be on the right track for the final two weeks.

And I wish to warn everyone now. I will be getting so monumentally drunk when I finish that they might as well put me on the list for a new liver today!