Thursday, September 13, 2007

Last Day of Freedom

Tomorrow I have to report back to that evil place loosely termed 'work', more correctly termed 'Sisyphean torture'.

After eight weeks away from that place I can only say that it does feel like I am going back to prison. However some things are going to change, I will make sure of it.

I am getting my Health and Safety training and then I am going to things EXACTLY by the book. Irritatingly so.
  • No working in the freezers without proper coat and gloves (ASDA never supplies these)
  • No moving overloaded cages
  • No using the wrong (and only) trucks to move pallets.
That is just a small taster of the things which we are expected to do. Well, given the amount of messing around I've put up with they can FUCK RIGHT OFF.


At 1:15 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sounds like you've really missed the place!

Good luck and stick to your guns.

After what they've put you through you deserve better treatment


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