Monday, August 07, 2006


Yes, dread plague monkeys have once again infested the house and infected me, L and L's boyf, D.

L is by far the worse off, having lost her voice. This was not helped by the fact that a manager from work guilt tripped her into going in on Saturday. Something along the lines of 'So you all get paid and then no one turns up' was mentioned. I am most unhappy and will be having words with this dickhead when I return to work tomorrow.

I got all of 2 hours sleep on Saturday night and so last night I was in bed by 10pm and didn't get up properly until dinnertime. But the fact that I had a temperature so high in the night that even the soles of my feet were burning gives me leave for a grossly overlong lie-in.

However I have got no work done this weekend and am going to have to do a lot of catch up. Damn your eyes, plague monkeys. I will have my revenge!!


At 8:10 AM, Blogger Godzilla said...

Hope the plague monkeys have left now!


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