Resolutions Review 2006
In January of this year I posted my New Year's Resolutions for 2006. did I do?
- Lose another 5lb and finally get my BMI in the right range. (Lost weight, but put it back on. So this is a work in progress!).
- Try my hardest to get good marks in all my Master's coursework and exams. (Got a merit, so this one is complete I think).
- Get my competitive streak under control, need to I can't always be Number 1 at everything. (Still ultra-competitive but I am trying. Honest.)
- Learn that second place does not equal failure. (I am not so hard on myself as once was.)
- Decide one way or the other. Am I a spinster for good, or do I really think I can handle another relationship (should the opportunity arise)? (Yeah, well. Less said about this one the better.)
- Get to Egypt. (Done! And had a blast!!)
- See more live music. (Done! But I hope 2007 will bring even more great gigs.)
- Be more positive about my body image. (I love my boobs and bum. Working on learning to like my legs.)
- Be more positive about myself in general actually. (Hmmm, getting there.)
- Attempt not to have a breakdown during my exams. (I passed, and there was little in the way of tearful protests of 'I can't do this!!!' So a success.)
- Find a great project for my dissertation. (While the title, 'An Evaluative Study of Elastin Stains in Ancient Tissue' is not the catchiest I found it very interesting.)
- Start earning cash for a PhD. (Erm....moving on.)
- Finish Crime & Punishment. (Oh dear. The book is in the loft and I have no idea where!)
- Balance my worklife with a social life of some description. (Not doing too bad, if only I knew where I was going for New Year!)
- Be better at keeping in touch with friends. (This one is obviously on-going.)
- Buy a corset. (Done, a white broderie anglaise one. Spent 12 hours in it at my cousin's wedding. But I want another one, perhaps that laces up.)
- Go somewhere other than La Senza and get measured properly (so I can achieve #16). (Done, and wasn't that a trauma.)
- Confront fear of zombies, and possibly spiders. But not a the same time. (Watched all of Resident Evil on my own the other night and didn't flinch or have nightmares. Still hate zombies though and still shit scared of spiders!!!!)