Friday, December 29, 2006

Resolutions Review 2006

In January of this year I posted my New Year's Resolutions for 2006. did I do?

  1. Lose another 5lb and finally get my BMI in the right range. (Lost weight, but put it back on. So this is a work in progress!).
  2. Try my hardest to get good marks in all my Master's coursework and exams. (Got a merit, so this one is complete I think).
  3. Get my competitive streak under control, need to I can't always be Number 1 at everything. (Still ultra-competitive but I am trying. Honest.)
  4. Learn that second place does not equal failure. (I am not so hard on myself as once was.)
  5. Decide one way or the other. Am I a spinster for good, or do I really think I can handle another relationship (should the opportunity arise)? (Yeah, well. Less said about this one the better.)
  6. Get to Egypt. (Done! And had a blast!!)
  7. See more live music. (Done! But I hope 2007 will bring even more great gigs.)
  8. Be more positive about my body image. (I love my boobs and bum. Working on learning to like my legs.)
  9. Be more positive about myself in general actually. (Hmmm, getting there.)
  10. Attempt not to have a breakdown during my exams. (I passed, and there was little in the way of tearful protests of 'I can't do this!!!' So a success.)
  11. Find a great project for my dissertation. (While the title, 'An Evaluative Study of Elastin Stains in Ancient Tissue' is not the catchiest I found it very interesting.)
  12. Start earning cash for a PhD. (Erm....moving on.)
  13. Finish Crime & Punishment. (Oh dear. The book is in the loft and I have no idea where!)
  14. Balance my worklife with a social life of some description. (Not doing too bad, if only I knew where I was going for New Year!)
  15. Be better at keeping in touch with friends. (This one is obviously on-going.)
  16. Buy a corset. (Done, a white broderie anglaise one. Spent 12 hours in it at my cousin's wedding. But I want another one, perhaps that laces up.)
  17. Go somewhere other than La Senza and get measured properly (so I can achieve #16). (Done, and wasn't that a trauma.)
  18. Confront fear of zombies, and possibly spiders. But not a the same time. (Watched all of Resident Evil on my own the other night and didn't flinch or have nightmares. Still hate zombies though and still shit scared of spiders!!!!)
Well, I haven't done too badly. 2006 has been an interesting year. And I hope to have some new resolutions for 2007 up soon.


At 8:00 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sounds like a good strike rate to me!

I hope you have as much luck with this year's.


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