Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Not Exactly A Panoramic View

After being told about it by a friend I watched Panorama's Scientology and Me documentary last night (also when did it become a half hour programme sandwiched between soaps? That is hardly enough scope for a proper investigation).

The Scientologists complain that people label them a cult but can you really blame us? You follow the journalists who are trying to interview, dig into their past and try to destroy their reputations if you think that they are going to use the dreaded C-word.

Sounds like paranoia to me.

Then there was that overly-scrubbed representative Tommy, who looked a Tom Cruise lookalike. Every time he was asked a question he got defensive and aggressive and attempted to intimidate John Sweeney. As has been widely reported, Sweeney lost his rag in spectacular fashion and has had to apologise. Personally I think that Sweeney did well to keep his temper for as long as he did. Five minutes in a room with that fool I would probably lamped him one and instructed him to go and fornicate with himself.

The "Church" of Scientology believes that a balanced report of them can only exist if none of their detractors are interviewed.

Erm, hello! That isn't journalism it is propaganda. I for one am glad this CULT is not recognised as a religion in this country, and I hope this continues indefinitely.

This probably means I'm going to be 'Fair Gamed' and if you don't hear from me in a while, then the bizarre brainwashed Scientologists got me.


At 1:20 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

It was a bit spooky how he kept popping up everywhere!

I loved the celebrity bit - wheeling out all these stars who promptly laughed at the Thetan suggestion.


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