Monday, January 01, 2007

Resolutions - 2007 Style

T'was inevitable but here they are. This year's list of this year's resolutions, most of which I will ignore or forget within days.

  1. FIND. NEW. JOB!!!! (Note the capital letters and emboldened script. This one is important.)
  2. Sort out my finances.
  3. Get back on the car insurance and start driving again.
  4. Overhaul this blog. Was reading the archives the other day. I used to be far more interesting. New year, new template, new links. And hopefull more new posts.
  5. Stop ignoring my health and make appointments with relevant health professionals.
  6. Lose the weight I've put back on and improve my fitness.
  7. Buy a new pair of jeans that fit properly.
  8. Learn French. (No sniggering please!)
  9. Visit friends I have been meaning to for ages!
  10. Go see more live music.
  11. Be a neater person rather than a personification of chaos theory.
  12. Finish the scarf I am knitting.
  13. Knit a blanket.
  14. Be a bit more in control of my emotions and temper.
  15. Finish off the backlog of resolutions from 2006.
  16. Be happy.
Wish me luck. Me thinks I shall need it.


At 8:02 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Happy New Year

and good luck with the resolutions.
A good mixture in there.

I've stopped making resolutions, a resolved it one year, and it's one I've managed to keep!

At 11:37 AM, Blogger Sessy said...

I tried that, but if I don't make resolutions I have a tendancy to just coast through life and not do a great deal.


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