Sunday, July 23, 2006

Life Update

No rest for the wicked and all that. So just a quick post on where I am and what I am up to;

  • ASDA is shit. We have a bully on our shift, who thinks he is in charge when our manager is not around. His idea of work is wandering around with a clipboard and trying to intimidate the younger members of staff. This I WILL NOT stand for. I have made several complaints but nothing seems to get done. So I am keeping a close eye on him, if he steps out of line, wrath will be felt. And trust me when I say I reckon I could make a grown man weep when I get riled.
  • Thesis now stands at a distinctly underwhelming 6566 words. I am itching to finish this bloody Introduction and get to the good stuff!
  • I'm actually going out on Friday night to a housewarming party in Manchester. Woo, socialisation!!
  • Oh yeah, and I'm now a blonde. There may be pics, we'll have to see.


At 1:27 PM, Blogger Godzilla said...

Bullies always cave in the face of confrontation.
At least thesis progress is being made!
Blonde? Is it a summer thing?

At 11:44 AM, Blogger Sessy said...

This fella has been confronted on a number of occasions but little seems to change, but there are other circumstances that I can't go into.

Thesis is finally making progess!!!

Blonde was a spur of the moment thing. I saw my hairdresser and decided to go for it.


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