Monday, December 05, 2005


I'm tired. And I don't mean in the I-had-a-bit-of-a-rotten-night's-sleep way. I mean in the exhausted-to-the-core-bone-shakingingly-headache-causingingly-weepy kind of tired.

Work was unbelievably busy. Honestly, people. It's December, you know Christmas is coming so why do you all troop out on the same fucking weekend? I worked a full shift on Sunday and didn't get a lunch break as we were so swamped.

I can't remember the last time I had a day off and I have no idea when I'm going to get one. Not until after the 16th when my deadlines are, that's for sure.

So when you ask me what is wrong and I say;

"I'm tired."

Don't raise your eyebrows and go,

"You're tired?"

As if you have a monopoly on exhaustion. I am so brittle right now that the slightest knock is likely to shatter me into a thousand pieces.

So excuse if I'm feeling a bit 'Poor Me'.


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