Saturday, September 17, 2005

A Hermit no longer.

Which presents a whole new set of problems. I'm going out tonight and (cue hideously clichéd Bridget Jones moment), I don't know what to wear.Hmmm.....diamante stilletos? Pencil skirt?

It's a good problem though, it means I am working out the issues that being in London created. I no longer want to just sit in and wonder what other people with social lives are up to. I want one to! And I will have one. It will be mine, oh yes, it will be mine.

I still intend on remaining a spinster though. Just a few more cardies and some Alsatians (allergic to cats) and I'll be set.

Got my new specs, so the world is both literally and figuratively a clearer place. I'll post a pic when I can find where Daddy hid the webcam.

Sessy's Soundtrack to this post: Fashion - David Bowie


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