Sunday, February 19, 2006


As I don't go out that often on a Saturday when my mate Debs invited me out this weekend it seemed like a great idea.

It gave me a chance to wear my new city shorts, which were very chic but I was bloody cold. Going out in Chester makes me feel so young as it seems that everyone else is so old! It's not fun to get followed around a club by a man old enough to be your father! Why can't a Jake gyllenhaal lookalike follow me about? Is it too much to ask?

I wasn't drinking but today I am soooooooo tired and I have got to write 1500 more words on the use of histology to study ancient skeletal tissue, as well as redo the conclusion on my schistosomiasis essay (as it is currently cack).

But I have even less motivation than usual plus Fable is calling.....


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