Tuesday, February 14, 2006

A Minor Selection of Little Girly Nightmares

  • What is it with Maybelline mascara? I'm not even going to mention the bizarre pink and green bottle it comes in, even if its black. It takes pigging ages to dry and I'm sure there is something in it that makes you sneeze. Every morning I put it on and nearly every morning I sneeze. So I end up with mascara all under my eyes. Not in a Twiggy-fake-lash-kinda-way, but in a crap-Alice-Cooper-kinda-way.
  • Walking on a wet path in jeans means you will undoubtedly have cold wet legs by the time you reach your destination (and have to sit on a cold train for an hour). And that mud will have worked its way up your inside leg to about the level of your knee. So you are not just damp but mucky as well.
  • It's Valentine's Day. And apart from the fact the only person to get you anything is your sis. (Cheers L btw, I love Fable!!!) The university decides this would be the best time to take out your next fee installment. So not only am I spinster, but I am also poor.
Why exactly do I bother getting out of bed?


At 2:22 PM, Blogger SaneScientist said...

I want to know how many romantic evenings are ruined by some muppet forgetting his PIN?

At 10:15 AM, Blogger Sessy said...

I never thought of that.

It gives me a warm glow in the bitter recesses in my heart.



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