Tuesday, February 21, 2006

I love you Primark

Primark is possibly the best shop in the world ever. Admittedly there is a whole load of crud in there, but have you been in Oasis recently?

Anyway I basically got my entire holiday wardrobe for T'egypt for under £50. Which include a maxi skirt, cropped trousers, 3 kaftan tops, a stripyvest top, a pair of jogging pants (essential for the train way cold apparently) and a whole load of pants.

I think I may actually have an addiction to buying knickers. I love them!

My expenditure was further justified when my professor told me my grades so far mean I on course for a possible distinction (this is unlikely, but it means I've got a bit of buffer to hopefully make a merit a bullseye!). I'm not normally one to brag about my grades, but you have no idea how much it means to be back on track. Academically at least. It means that I haven't been wasting time and money for the past few months.

But is nose to grindstone time again, as I have to finish my science essays revise and write a presentation on a scientific technique used in Egyptology.

Thunderbird update: Saw another one today! A Thunderbird train called Tin Tin (she was the Chinese/Japanese girl). My geek status is assured.


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