Sunday, January 01, 2006

So It's 2006

I'll be 23 this year, God, I feel so old. So I suppose I should set myself some goals for the year. I never normally make Resolutions, but I need to take some serious action regarding my future. So here goes:

  1. Lose another 5lb and finally get my BMI in the right range.
  2. Try my hardest to get good marks in all my Master's coursework and exams.
  3. Get my competitive streak under control, need to I can't always be Number 1 at everything.
  4. Learn that second place does not equal failure.
  5. Decide one way or the other. Am I a spinster for good, or do I really think I can handle another relationship (should the oppourtunity arise)?
  6. Get to Egypt.
  7. See more live music.
  8. Be more positive about my body image.
  9. Be more positive about myself in general actually.
  10. Attempt not to have a breakdown during my exams.
  11. Find a great project for my dissertation.
  12. Start earning cash for a PhD.
  13. Finish Crime & Punishment.
  14. Balance my worklife with a social life of some description.
  15. Be better at keeping in touch with friends.
  16. Buy a corset.
  17. Go somewhere other than La Senza and get measured properly (so I can achieve #16).
  18. Confront fear of zombies, and possibly spiders. But not a the same time.
Shit, that's a lot. Best get started then I suppose.


At 11:31 PM, Blogger Eleanor D said...

I'm pinching 2, 3, 4, 7, 10 and 15 for myself, if you don't mind! And I'm certain that you'll meet a lovely man - the opportunity will definitely arise :)


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